Soak dates in coconut oil instead of water and eat them on an empty stomach, you will see surprising benefits within a week.

Soak dates in coconut oil instead of water and eat them on an empty stomach, you will see surprising benefits within a week. Source link

Cholesterol And Dates: How Many Dates Should You Eat a Day to Reduce The Levels of Cholesterol?

Dates are considered high in nutrients and protect the body from various diseases. It contains beneficial elements like minerals, sugar, calcium, iron and potassium. It has antibacterial properties and promotes energy circulation in the body throughout the day. Dates are a type of fruit that, like all plant products, are cholesterol free. Since cholesterol is … Read more

Benefits Of Dates: Dates have a wealth of health, pregnant women will get help in delivery

Health Benefits Of Dates: Many varieties of dates are available in our country. People like to eat it a lot. Especially to pregnant women, our grandmothers definitely advise its consumption, so that both the child and the mother growing inside get its benefits. Here it is eaten in the form of dry fruits or in … Read more