Eating too much sweet can cause premature aging! Many organs can also be affected, know how?

Sugar Can Make You Age Faster: Aging is a normal process, which every person in the world has to go through. Everyone has to step on the threshold of old age after childhood and youth. But many times due to poor diet, habits and lifestyle, some people have to face premature aging. You must have … Read more

More than 6 spoons of sugar is ‘poison’ for you, these 45 ‘deadly’ diseases can haunt you

It is said about sugar that consuming too much of it is very dangerous for health. However, still many people are found consuming it in excessive quantity. An international review has found that to stay healthy, one should never consume more than 6 teaspoons of sugar in a day. Scientists from America and China have … Read more

Is jaggery better than sugar? First find out what is the effect of both on the body, then decide

Sugar or Jaggery: It is often said that sugar is not beneficial for health and the body has to face many losses by eating it. After hearing this, some people who are affected by the loss of sugar, then move towards the second option and choose the second best option i.e. ‘Jaggery’ which competes with … Read more

Stop eating sugar only… will the sugar level decrease? After all, what changes will happen in the body

Sugar Benefits: Diabetes, hypertension are lifestyle related diseases. People overcome these diseases by improving diet, yoga, exercise. Sugar is used to bring sweetness to any food or drink. Taste increases with sweetness. Not everyone likes bland food. Doctors consider the use of sugar to be very important for the body. But its excessive consumption can … Read more