सुबह या रात…जानें कब पीना चाहिए दूध, क्या है परफेक्ट टाइम, कब होता है ज्यादा फायदेमंद

Best Time To Drink Milk : दूध पीना सेहत के लिए फायदेमंद होता है. दूध में कैल्शियम भरपूर पाया जाता है. इससे शरीर को सभी तरह के पोषण तत्व मिल जाते हैं. हालांकि, बहुत से लोग जब मन करता है, तभी दूध पी लेते हैं. इससे उन्हें इसका पूरा फायदा नहीं मिल पाता है. ऐसे में चलिए … Read more

Side Effects of Milk: Why You Should Never Start Your Day with Doodh? Ayurveda Explains

Milk is the first food given to a baby, and from then on it becomes an essential part of the diet. It is considered beneficial for its exceptional nutritional properties. However, whether you should start your day with milk is a hotly debated topic. Well, Ayurveda answers that you should drink milk on an empty … Read more

Who should drink milk and who should not, know the answers to all such questions from an Ayurvedic doctor

Ayurvedic Method To Drink MilkMilk is an integral part of our diet. The practice of drinking milk in human society has been there for centuries. Cow’s milk is consumed in most parts of India and camel’s milk is consumed in some parts of Rajasthan. Where people consume buffalo milk, there is a tradition of drinking … Read more