Drinking black tea can cause ‘heart failure’! Heart and lung problems will trouble you, know why?

Drinking black tea can cause ‘heart failure’!  Heart and lung problems will trouble you, know why?

Black Tea Health Risk: Many people consider ‘Black Tea’ as a healthy tea. There is no doubt that black tea is helpful in removing many physical problems and is the most commonly consumed tea. However, do you know that how bad this tea can affect your health and can cause heart failure? This tea made … Read more

Drinking 2 cups of black tea daily can increase lifespan, know what research says

Drinking 2 cups of black tea daily can increase lifespan, know what research says

Black Tea: Most of us start our day with tea. Tea is considered a very famous drink. Most people choose tea according to their taste and health. There are many of us who like to drink tea with milk, but many people are very conscious about their health. Most of these people like things like … Read more