AI-powered anti-diabetes programme provides customised advice to reverse chronic metabolic diseases – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: An artificial intelligence-powered diabetes management programme aimed at empowering people in making informed decisions to reverse chronic metabolic diseases, especially during fasts, has received endorsements from experts who have termed it revolutionary. TWIN Health‘s Whole Body Digital Twin technology uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to create a “digital twin” of a person’s … Read more

अगर 7 दिन ‘सिर्फ पानी वाला व्रत’ रखें तो बॉडी के अंदर क्या होगा? जान लीजिए

Water Fasting: इस मॉर्डन लाइफस्टाइल में खुद को फिट रखना ही एक बहुत बड़ा चैलेंज है. खुद को हेल्दी, पतला, खूबसूरत दिखने के लिए लोग कई तरह के तरकीब अपनाते हैं. जैसे- मीठे फल, चीनी या चॉकलेट बिल्कुल भी खाना बंद कर देते हैं. लेकिन आज हम आपको वाटर फास्टिंग के बारे में बताने जा … Read more

Winter Diet Tips For Diabetics: A Step-by-Step Meal Plan to Balance Blood Sugar Levels

Home Health Winter Diet Tips For Diabetics: A Step-by-Step Meal Plan to Balance Blood Sugar Levels With Superfoods With the change in season, here is a winter meal plan for diabetics that will help them keep a check on their blood sugar levels. Diabetes Winter Diet Plan: With around 70 million people suffering from diabetes … Read more

Diabetes Subtle Symptoms: Neck Pigmentation and 5 Other Signs That Indicate Blood Sugar Imbalance

Home Health Diabetes Subtle Symptoms: Neck Pigmentation and 5 Other Signs That Indicate Blood Sugar Imbalance Diabetes symptoms may show up in different body parts and skin is one of them. Here are few subtle signs that may hint at disturbed blood sugar levels. Diabetes Subtle Symptoms: Neck Pigmentation and 5 Other Signs That Indicate … Read more

Weight Loss Diet: 6 Low-Glycemic Foods to Include in Your Everyday Meal Plan

Home Lifestyle Weight Loss Diet: 6 Low-Glycemic Foods to Include in Your Everyday Meal Plan Weight loos diet usually comprises of low-calories food. Try these low-glycemic index food choices that will keep your diabetes symptoms in control and help to shed weight as well. Weight Loss Diet: 6 Low-Glycemic Foods to Include in Your Everyday … Read more

Diabetes: 7 Dietary Mistakes You Must Avoid to Manage Your Glucose Level Naturally

Home Health Diabetes: 7 Dietary Mistakes You Must Avoid to Manage Your Glucose Level Naturally Diabetes Management: It’s important to avoid particular dietary mistakes linked to diabetes if you want to lower your chance of having this chronic illness. Diabetes: 7 Dietary Mistakes You Must Avoid to Manage Your Glucose Level Naturally Diabetes Management: Elevated … Read more

How Change in Blood Sugar Levels Affects Mood Swing? 5 Ways To Cope With It

Home Health Diabetes Tips: How Does Changing Blood Sugar Levels Affect Mood Change? 5 ways to cope Controlling sugar levels is one of the most important things that can help diabetic patients to chart their daily routine because many lifestyle changes will depend on these levels. Tips for diabetes: People with diabetes have to make … Read more

बिना इंसुलिन के भी मैनेज कर सकते हैं बढ़ा हुआ ब्लड शुगर लेवल, बस अपनाएं ये टिप्स

How to control blood sugar without insulin: .. .. . लेकिन, अब बदलती और अनहेल्दी डाइट की वजह से यह तेजी से सामने आ रही. मौजूदा समय में कम उम्र के बच्चे भी इससे ग्रसित हो रहे ह. डायबिटीज की कई बार आनुवांशिक कारणों की वजह से भी जाती है. Keep going. जब पैन्क्रियाज इन्सुलिन … Read more