These 5 symptoms show that your digestive system is not well… You are also not seeing these symptoms

These 5 symptoms show that your digestive system is not well… You are also not seeing these symptoms

Poor Digestive System Symptoms: There is a saying that everything is right if the stomach is right. Because the digestive system digests what we eat properly and gives strength to the body. Due to which we stay fit. But sometimes due to disturbance in the digestive system, the risk of many diseases in the body … Read more

Why does the body smell in summer, not sweating is the reason behind it

Why does the body smell in summer, not sweating is the reason behind it

As soon as the summer starts, the sale of scents and deo increases. The reason behind this is the bad smell coming from human body in summer. Crores of people live in this world and the body odor of every human being is different. Some have less body odor and some have so much that … Read more

Follow these methods this season to avoid the bad smell of sweat… People will be happy to stand near you

Follow these methods this season to avoid the bad smell of sweat… People will be happy to stand near you

How To Control Body Odour: Sweating is a natural process. Excessive sweating occurs especially in summer because the body constantly tries to adjust itself with the external temperature, due to which the fluid stored in the body comes out in the form of sweat through the skin pores. When this sweat dust meets with dead … Read more

Bad smell coming from sweat can be a sign of these diseases

Bad smell coming from sweat can be a sign of these diseases

body odorEveryone sweats. People use deodorants to hide the bad smell coming from sweat. But, if your sweat smells very bad, then it can be a sign of serious health problems. It is not necessary that sweating is only due to food and poor hygiene. Sometimes excessive sweating or foul smell also comes due to … Read more

The smell of excessive sweat comes from the body, then these diseases can happen

The smell of excessive sweat comes from the body, then these diseases can happen

Body Smell Indicates Diseases: Although it is normal to sweat from the body, but sometimes there is a very dirty smell with sweat, which can be harmful for us. Sweat has no odor of its own, but it produces a smell when bacteria come into contact. The smell of sweat can be due to many … Read more

Smelly UnderArms: Smelly sweat spoils the atmosphere, how to get rid of it

Smelly UnderArms: Smelly sweat spoils the atmosphere, how to get rid of it

Smelly Under ArmsAs soon as the summer season comes, people get troubled by sweating. There is another problem with those who have to face the most trouble due to the smell of their sweat. People around you start making distance from you, for which you have to be ashamed, so it is important that why … Read more