Not only in the air, the “fog” is also in the mind, but what is going on?

Not only in the air, the “fog” is also in the mind, but what is going on?

Hearing the name of the fog, we think that fog in the air outside, but do you also know it in mind. Symptoms of brain fogs can be many types that affect your way of thinking, remembering and concentrating. This can also affect your daily life. You can lose the direction of your thoughts in … Read more

What’s the Difference Between Depression and Brain Fog, Know How Dangerous It Is for You

What’s the Difference Between Depression and Brain Fog, Know How Dangerous It Is for You

Brain Frog: Brain frog is not a special type of disease but it is a mental problem. In which a person gets confused. In this, one starts feeling constant concentration and fatigue. The person’s mind remains trapped in inner confusion. It also affects memory. The reason for this is stress, tension and lack of sleep. … Read more

This is the main reason for brain fog, know it immediately

This is the main reason for brain fog, know it immediately

Causes of Brain Fog : Just as we cannot see clearly once the fog spreads in cold weather, in the same way, our mind is also covered by the fog. This is called brain fog. Its effect is exactly similar to that of winter fog. Even the thing kept in front is not visible in … Read more

Corona patients are at risk of this disease, seeing the symptoms, the brain will also answer

Corona patients are at risk of this disease, seeing the symptoms, the brain will also answer

Coronavirus Brain Fog: The outbreak of Coronavirus had thrown the whole world into turmoil in the year 2020-21. In today’s time, its outbreak has reduced as compared to earlier, but it has not ended completely. The effect of this epidemic is still visible among the people in some form or the other. Recently a report … Read more