This disease can be detected even 7 years before the appearance of blood cancer, it is enough to take this test.

This disease can be detected even 7 years before the appearance of blood cancer, it is enough to take this test. Source link

कैंसर से अब नहीं होगी मौत! वैज्ञानिकों को मिल गया है ‘किल स्विच’

<p style="text-align: justify;">कैलिफ़ोर्निया के साइंटिस्टों को कैंसर के इलाज में एक बड़ी सफलता मिली है. उन्हें एक ‘किल स्विच’ मिल गई है. जो कैंसर के सेल्स को मारने में कामयाब है. ‘सैक्रामेंटो में यूसी डेविस कॉम्प्रिहेंसिव कैंसर सेंटर के कैलिफ़ोर्निया विशेषज्ञों ने कहा है कि कि उन्होंने एक रिसेप्टर की है जो एक प्रोटीन की … Read more

IISc Bengaluru Develops Nanoparticle-Based Method To Detect, Destroy Cancer Cells

Home Health IISc Bengaluru Develops Nanoparticle-Based Method To Detect, Destroy Cancer Cells IISc scientists have proposed a novel method for cancer treatment which has the potential of detecting and killing of lung and cervical cancer cells at early stages. Representational Image (Pixabay) New Delhi: Scientists at the Indian Institute of Science(IISc) have reportedly developed a … Read more

Unlike chemo, radiotherapy, this technique will eliminate cancer!

Cancer Study: There is hopeful news for the treatment of cancer patients. If the scientists’ test is successful, then new technology will be developed in the treatment of cancer. Doctors say that cancer is a deadly disease. The reason behind this is that information about this disease is rarely available in the first stage. In … Read more

The gene that caused cancer also killed it, the woman won the battle with 5 cancers

Cancer Research: Cancer is a life-threatening disease, once it occurs, the chances of its cure are very less. Tumor is an uncontrolled growth of cells. It is not necessary that every lump is cancerous, but it is not that every lump is not cancerous. Doctors say that if any lump is seen anywhere in the … Read more

CURIA revolutionising patient participation in cancer treatment – ET HealthWorld

Pune: Curia Created by Inoplexus AG, Has now become the most decentralized cancer information ecosystem internationally. With over 700,000+ downloads, CURIA is on a mission to revolutionize treatment travel and patient participation in clinical research for cancer. Built up Performance Uses AI technology to search the Internet 95 percent daily for updates to platforms, app … Read more