सर्दियों में क्यों बढ़ जाता है सर्वाइकल पेन? जानें इससे बचने का तरीका और इलाज

सर्दियों में क्यों बढ़ जाता है सर्वाइकल पेन? जानें इससे बचने का तरीका और इलाज

<p style="text-align: justify;">सर्दियों में सर्वाइकल की समस्या दूसरे मौसम के मुकाबले ज्यादा बढ़ जाता है. कुछ लोगों के लिए यह इतना ज्यादा खतरनाक हो जाता है कि उनका उठना-बैठना सब मुश्किल हो जाता है. ज्यादातर लोग यह समझ नहीं पाते हैं कि सर्दियों में यह दिक्कत आखिर क्यों बढ़ जाती है. तो चलिए आज आपको … Read more

By doing this work, are you giving an invitation to cervical disease, know immediately

By doing this work, are you giving an invitation to cervical disease, know immediately

Cervical Pain: Many times it happens that we do not even know, but we ourselves invite some diseases. Yes, this is true. Everyone works continuously sitting on the chair for 9 hours in the office, but have you ever thought that by sitting in the wrong way, you yourself are giving birth to cervical disease. … Read more

This pain hurts the people of desk jobs, these are the preventive measures

This pain hurts the people of desk jobs, these are the preventive measures

Cause of Cervical Pain: Cervical pain, a pain that starts from the neck and mainly it is neck pain. But when its condition becomes serious, it occurs in the whole hand through the shoulder (Shoulder pain). It can also reach to the fingers and can take possession of the area from the shoulder down to … Read more