Excess salt causes death… Those who eat too much should be careful, this report scares them

Daily salt intake: Foods without salt taste bland. The sodium it contains is essential for the body, but if its quantity exceeds then it can cause dangerous side effects. Health experts advise against eating too much salt. The World Health Organization (WHO) also advises consuming salt according to taste. According to the WHO, every year … Read more

There are so many tests in full body checkup

We all want that we and our family should be healthy and stay away from diseases. For this, as important as food and lifestyle is, equally important is regular body checkup. Yes, the way a person takes care of his food and drink, similarly we should keep checking our body from time to time. It … Read more

Do body checkup with a spoon in 60 seconds

Body Fitness: Nowadays people are suffering from some disease due to bad lifestyle. To diagnose the disease, people get different types of tests done. By the way, a healthy person should also get his regular checkup done from time to time. Doctors also recommend this thing. Instead of getting expensive body tests, you can check … Read more

If there are symptoms of sore throat and fever, then checkup immediately, it may be this disease

Sore Throat With Fever: In the beginning of winter, people are troubled by cold, cough and fever. Many people also complain of sore throat during this season. If some such symptoms appear in your body too, then they should not be taken lightly. Corona, flu, viral and swine flu also have the same symptoms. Therefore, … Read more

Heart checkup should be done at how many intervals those working out in the gym, these are the reasons for the attack

Heart Attack Symptoms: You must have heard about the critical condition of comedian and actor Raju Srivastava due to heart attack during Treadmill. After which he was immediately admitted to the hospital for treatment. Raju was kept on the ventilator machine for a long time. After which his condition is not good till now. This … Read more

Health Tips: Take care of your heart with regular checkup

Heart attack or sudden stoppage of heartbeat, both of these are called heart attack. Due to lack of complete information about this, you often forget to take care of your heart, either you are not able to pay attention to it. One must always hear people say that even at the age of 70, they … Read more