In case of chikungunya, keep these things in mind in the patient’s diet, the family should also eat these important things

Home Remedies For Chikungunya Treatment: Mosquitoes not only give itching, burning sensation and distorted music, but they also give deadly diseases like chikungunya. Chikungunya is a fever and is a viral disease. If a person has had this disease, then the mosquitoes that bite that person for the next about a week can transfer the … Read more

Mosquitoes are responsible for these 11 serious diseases, spread infection in humans

Disease Spread by Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can spread many such diseases, which can prove to be fatal. In a research conducted by the University of New South Wales, Australia, it has been revealed that every year around 5 lakh people die worldwide due to infection spread by mosquitoes. This is just the death toll, only by … Read more

Chikungunya symptoms and treatment, know why this fever confuses with dengue

Chikungunya Fever Treatment: Chikungunya is a viral disease which is spread through mosquito bites. Usually this disease spreads in the monsoon, but in today’s time the outbreak of mosquitoes remains frequent. That’s why its cases keep coming in other seasons as well. Like dengue and malaria, chikungunya is also a fever and if not treated … Read more

Tomato flu is spreading rapidly in these three states, take special care of young children

Tomato Flu Infection in Children: In a large part of the country these days an infection is spreading rapidly among young children. Its name is Tomato Flu. This infection is rapidly taking children under the age of 5 years (Infectious disease). Although the children infected with this flu in the country so far include innocent … Read more

Tomato Fever In India: Children Under 9 Years Of Age Most Vulnerable, Lancet Warns Of Outbreak

Tomato fever alert in India: After coronavirus and monkeypox, tomato fever is spreading its legs in the country. concern of Ministry of Health This has also increased. As reported by Lancet Respiratory Journal82 cases of tomato fever have been reported in Kerala. At the same time, 26 children have fallen ill in Odisha. All of … Read more

Chikungunya is a Mosquito-Borne Disease: Here’s What You Need to Know

Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease that causes severe joint pain. The name “chikungunya” comes from the Makonde language, spoken in Tanzania and Mozambique, and means “to become contorted” or “to walk bent over”, referring to the stooped posture that many people with the disease adopt due to the severe joint pain. Chikungunya is caused … Read more

What is Chikungunya, Its Symptoms And Causes?

What is Chikungunya? Chikungunya is a deadly mosquito-borne disease that can have long-term negative effects on your bone and joint health. The mosquito vectors responsible for its transmission are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Rarely, it is also spread through blood products and mother-to-fetus transfer. It is not considered a communicable disease as it is … Read more