Now your child will never hesitate to drink milk, make milk tasty and healthy in this way

Milk Tips : Milk has been considered perfect for the health of children. It contains calcium, proteins, fats and carbohydrates along with many essential minerals in the right amounts. It is a different matter that children do not like the taste of milk and whenever they see a glass of milk, they start reluctant to … Read more

Worried about the problem of irritability of the child? Give this beneficial fruit in food today itself

Custard apple is called Sharifa or Sitaphal in common language. It is a sweet and tasty fruit, due to which even children eat it easily. Source link

Your child will not get sick in the changing season, keep these things in mind

Cold in Kids: You will be surprised to know that by the age of 3, most children have cold and cough problem 6 to 8 times in a year. Usually, when these viruses attack the children’s body for the first time, their immune system is not able to fight the virus as well as it … Read more

Baby does not behave like normal children, then pay attention to these things, it may be due to autism

What is Autoism: Autism is a neuro development problem. Children who have this problem are not socialized well. Whereas man is a social animal and without any interaction our life is not possible. Humans have language to be social. But children with autism talk very little and what they say is very difficult for parents … Read more

Baby does not behave like normal children, then pay attention to these things, it may be due to autism

What is Autoism: Autism is a neuro development problem. Children who have this problem are not socialized well. Whereas man is a social animal and without any interaction our life is not possible. Humans have language to be social. But children with autism talk very little and what they say is very difficult for parents … Read more

Nephrotic syndrome is more in teenage boys, swelling remains on the eyes

Nephrotic Syndrome Symptoms: Nephrotic syndrome can occur at any age and can happen to anyone. But mainly this problem is seen more in Teenage and Boys. In this disease, the kidney starts leaking protein in excess quantity, due to which this protein starts going out of the body through urine and the child becomes weak. … Read more

Hygiene Tips: These items used at home can make you sick, take care of yourself like this

Keep Your Home Bacteria Free: We all want to keep our house as clean and hygienic as possible. Especially in homes where there are children, cleanliness is most needed because children unknowingly touch or put anything in their mouth. This can cause harmful bacteria to make children sick. Well, today we will talk about those … Read more