Drink this decoction daily on an empty stomach, heart blockage will disappear, know how to prepare it.

Drink this decoction daily on an empty stomach, heart blockage will disappear, know how to prepare it.

Decoction to remove heart blockage: According to Swami Ramdev, take about 1 teaspoon of Arjuna bark, 2 grams of cinnamon and 5 basil leaves and boil them in water. Benefits of Arjuna Bark: Arjuna bark is considered beneficial for heart patients. In fact, Arjuna bark contains a chemical called triterpenoid which helps in eliminating heart … Read more

Be careful if you use cinnamon when preparing vegetables.

Be careful if you use cinnamon when preparing vegetables.

Lead in cinnamon: Spices have a particular importance in our cuisine. Many spices are extremely beneficial to your health. One of them is cinnamon, which makes up the inner part of the tree’s bark. It has been used medicinally for thousands of years for fevers, swelling, colds and vomiting. However, a shocking revelation has been … Read more

Are you a diabetic patient? Drink this spice mixed with milk in the evening, blood sugar levels will remain under control.

Are you a diabetic patient? Drink this spice mixed with milk in the evening, blood sugar levels will remain under control.

Most of the time, when a diabetic patient remains fasting, their blood sugar level becomes very high. Your eating habits and lifestyle are also considered responsible. High blood sugar associated with diabetes is called hyperglycemia, in which blood sugar begins to rise rapidly. This happens when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or doesn’t respond … Read more

हल्दी, दालचीनी, काली मिर्च या धनिया, आपकी सेहत के लिए कौन-सा मसाला सबसे अच्छा?

हल्दी, दालचीनी, काली मिर्च या धनिया, आपकी सेहत के लिए कौन-सा मसाला सबसे अच्छा?

मसालों की खुशबू से तो आप भली-भांति वाकिफ ही होंगे. खाने में मसालों को मिलाया जाता है तो स्वाद इस कदर बढ़ जाता है कि खाने वाला तारीफ किए बिना रह नहीं पाता. लेकिन क्या आपको पता है कि ये मसाले आपकी सेहत के लिए भी काफी फायदेमंद होते हैं. आज हम आपको हल्दी, दालचीनी, … Read more

From turmeric to black pepper…. these spices work as medicine in these diseases!

From turmeric to black pepper…. these spices work as medicine in these diseases!

Indian Spices And Their  Benefits: There is no break of Indian spices, it is famous all over the world for its richness, taste, color and aroma. With the help of these spices, not only one delicious dish is made, but it also gives a lot of health benefits, know some Indian spices. about which can … Read more

Cinnamon is the medicine for many diseases, the body will get these benefits, include it in your diet like this

Cinnamon is the medicine for many diseases, the body will get these benefits, include it in your diet like this

Cinnamon Health Benefits: One to one healthy things are present in Indian kitchens. Different types of herbs and spices are present, which can benefit health in many cases. Some or the other quality is definitely hidden in most of the spices available in the kitchen. Many are also rich in essential nutrients, such as cinnamon. … Read more