What is Colorectal Cancer And Why Are More Young Adults Suffering From it? 5 Dietary Tips to Prevent it

Home Health What is Colorectal Cancer And Why Are More Young Adults Suffering From it? 5 Dietary Tips to Prevent it Cancer is one oof the leading causes of death across the world in terms of health. Reportedly, colorectal cancer is rising in young adults at an alarming rate. Read on to know more about … Read more

Do not ignore these symptoms in intestinal cancer, be careful

Colorectal Cancer: The liver is an important part of the digestive system. Similarly, the intestines are also a part of the digestive system. It is very important to take care of the health of the intestines. People who do not keep the food right. Consumption of contaminated things is also harmful for the intestines. Generally, … Read more

The risk of colon cancer is increasing among youth, know its early signs here

Colon Cancer: Colon cancer gradually reaches the intestine of the stomach. Mostly this cancer is seen in the elderly, but now this cancer is seen increasing in the youth as well. Colorectal cancer is often thought to affect older people. However, according to a recent study published by the American Cancer Society, it was reported … Read more

Be alert if fat starts forming around the stomach

Intestine Cancer: Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month is celebrated every year in the month of March. In this disease, a dangerous cancerous tumor develops in any part of the long intestine or rectum. This disease is called Colorectal Cancer. For your information, let us tell you that colorectal cancer is a very serious disease. Today we … Read more

Colorectal Cancer: Symptoms, Risks, And Best Way to Prevent Colon Cancer

Colorectal or colon cancer usually affects people over the age of 45 and occurs when colonic cells become uncontrolled – read on to learn about symptoms and risks. Colorectal Cancer: Symptoms, Risks, and Best Ways to Avoid Colon Cancer Colorectal Cancer Symptoms and Risks: Colorectal cancer is the sixth most frequent disease. It first manifests … Read more