कोरोना का नया वेरिएंट JN.1 है चौथी लहर का आगाज? जानें एक्सपर्ट क्या कहते हैं?

<p style="text-align: justify;">एक बार फिर से कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट JN.1 ने लोगों के बीच टेंशन बढ़ा दी है. क्रिसमस और न्यू ईयर पार्टी को लेकर लोगों के बीच जितनी ज्यादा एक्साइटमेंट है तो वहीं लोगों के अंदर कोरोना के नए वेरिएंट को लेकर काफी डर का माहौल बन हुआ है. कई लोग इसे कोरोना … Read more

Rise in COVID XBB 1.16 cases in India, increased fear of H3N2, know how to avoid this viral…

Corona Update: 76 samples of the new variant of COVID XBB 1.16 have been found in the country. According to official figures, these cases have been found in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Delhi, Telangana, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Odisha. The data shows that the highest number of XBB 1.16 cases have been found in Karnataka and … Read more

This new variant of Corona is scaring India, more than 1000 cases in a day

Corona Virus: A boom is now being seen in Kovid cases in India. In the last few days, the total number of Covid cases has increased from around 300 to more than 1000 in a day. India on Sunday recorded more than 1,000 new Covid cases in a single day after 129 days. The scientists … Read more

COVID: Wonder of the Immune System? Many people here did not get corona due to this special reason

Covid Treatment: Kovid has taken crores of people in its grip in its own country. There will be hardly any house in India, where Corona has not knocked. Omicron variant and Delta variant wreaked havoc in the country and the world. Thousands of people died due to the delta variant in India. The virus is … Read more

Mouth is dry again and again, has corona caught you?

Corona Virus: The havoc of Corona was seen not only in the country but in the world. Omicron, Delta variants fiercely caught people in their grip. Omicron in many countries and Delta cases were seen in many more. More people came in the grip of Delta variants in India. This virus also took the lives … Read more

If you have kidney-liver problem then be careful, corona can kill

Corona Virus: Kovid has wreaked havoc not only in the country but across the world. Corona cases have been reported in every house. While the Omicron variant was dangerous in many countries, the Delta variant killed thousands of people in India. Due to Kovid, people were forced to be imprisoned in their homes. The central … Read more

Big disclosure in a study done on 12 lakh people, Corona has made a deep impact on the mind

Whoever has got corona, it can happen to anyone. These symptoms are related to the mind. In medical language, it will be called neuropsychiatric. Full details of this study Medical Journal ‘The Lancet’   According to the study, corona is affecting our neuro function by reaching our brain through the nose. Due to this, a patient … Read more