What are these four T’s? Ministry of Health has advised to adopt these to avoid Kovid

Corona Virus Symptoms: The havoc of Corona in the country has not stopped yet. Cases of continuous infection are coming to the fore. Scientists and doctors are keeping an eye on its mutation. Scientists are worried about the fact that the corona may not take a fatal form. The number of people getting infected with … Read more

Negativity increased among Indians after Kovid, 35 percent people are not happy: study

The Corona epidemic has worked to increase the difficulties of people around the world. This virus has badly affected his physical and mental health. A study suggests that expressions of negativity such as anger, stress, anxiety and sadness have increased significantly in the people of India since the Corona pandemic. A report ‘The State of … Read more

Rise in COVID XBB 1.16 cases in India, increased fear of H3N2, know how to avoid this viral…

Corona Update: 76 samples of the new variant of COVID XBB 1.16 have been found in the country. According to official figures, these cases have been found in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Puducherry, Delhi, Telangana, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Odisha. The data shows that the highest number of XBB 1.16 cases have been found in Karnataka and … Read more

7 million deaths in the world due to Kovid, now will it be normal flu or will it create chaos? What did WHO say…

Corona Virus Symptoms: In the year 2020-21, Corona created a lot of furore in the country. Lakhs of people got infected by the virus. Thousands of people lost their lives. Covid is still present in the air. It is constantly mutating. The question still remains in the minds of scientists, doctors and even common people … Read more

… So did ‘raccoon dogs’ spread corona to humans? Worldwide devastation!

Even after 3 years of the corona epidemic, the origin of corona remains a big question. Most people believe that the origin of corona is related to bats. While some people believe that this virus leaked from the laboratory of Wuhan, China. However, a new study has claimed that the Kovid-19 virus may have been … Read more

Avoid ignoring such diseases seen in children after Corona

Kids Care Tips: Since the lockdown, a different type of disease is being seen in children. According to the children’s doctor, due to the increase in online education in the lockdown, the ability to read and write in children has decreased and they are forgetting things quickly. This is the reason why they are becoming … Read more

H3N2 virus continues to wreak havoc, can the COVID vaccine protect you from this flu?

H3N2 Virus: Just as we were heaving a sigh of relief with the low number of COVID cases for the last few months, the emergence of infection due to H3N2 virus has triggered a new wave of anxiety in the country. Infection caused by H3N2 virus or influenza A virus causes high fever, shortness of … Read more

This virus itself is making sick… but it is also making people diabetic.

Corona Virus: Kovid virus wreaked havoc in the country. Thousands of people succumbed to the virus. Lakhs of people got infected by the virus. Even though the outbreak of the virus has not been as much today after the vaccine and people became aware, but it is not that the danger of the virus has … Read more