COVID-19 Symptoms: 5 Healthy Fluids That Can Help You Recover at Home

Home Health COVID-19 Symptoms: 5 Healthy Fluids That Can Help You Recover at Home Drink plenty of fluids to increase hydration and nutrition, both of which are crucial to fight off weakness and boost immunity while recovering from COVID-19. COVID-19 Symptoms: 5 Healthy Fluids That Can Help You Recover at Home COVID-19 recovery can be … Read more

Covid-19 Roundup in 10 Points: WHO Warns of ‘Troubling Covid Trends’ Ahead – What Does That Mean?

Home Health Covid-19 Roundup in 10 Points: WHO Warns of ‘Troubling Covid Trends’ Ahead – What Does That Mean? Covid-19 cases are rising rapidly in several countries. Pirola is the latest Covid variant driving the surge in few places. Here is a brief roundup about all you need to know on the ‘troubling covid trend.’ … Read more

हैदराबाद में मिला ‘मिस्ट्री वायरस’, मरीज में दिखते हैं ऐसे लक्षण… पता चलते ही ऐसे करें बचाव

<p style="text-align: justify;">हैदराबाद में एक मिस्ट्री वायरस ने तहलका मचा कर रखा है. इसके शुरुआती लक्षण तो ‘स्वाइन फ्लू’, ‘एडेनोवायरस’ और ‘इंन्फ्लूएंजा’ की तरह ही है. और यह पीड़ित व्यक्ति के सांस लेने की नली पर आक्रमण करती है. लेकिन असल में यह कौन सा वायरस है इसकी पहचान नहीं हो पाई है. यह वायरस … Read more

Fever is the common factor in Malaria, Corona and H3N2, it makes prey in this way, know what is it then

Health Tips : Malaria, Kovid-19 and H3N2 have fever in all the three diseases. Malaria has been there for a long time, while in the last few years we have also seen the havoc of Corona and now for a few months many cases of H3N2 virus are also being seen. There is a common … Read more

COVID-19 in Kids: Itchy Eyes to Fever, 5 Major Symptoms of Coronavirus to Look Out For in Summers

Home Health COVID-19 in children: itchy eyes to fever, 5 main coronavirus symptoms to watch out for in summers COVID-19 in children: Children are more susceptible to contracting coronavirus. With the summer season here, more allergens have emerged that can also increase infection. COVID-19 in children: itchy eyes to fever, top 5 coronavirus symptoms to … Read more

Revisiting COVID-19 Precautionary Box: Most Prominent Symptoms And How to Cure Yourself Before It Worsens

Home Health COVID-19 Caution Chart Review: The Most Prominent Symptoms and How to Get Cure Before It Gets Worse COVID-19: With the increase in cases of COVID 19, it is time to re-adhere to protocols and protect ourselves from the virus as best we can. COVID-19 Caution Chart Review: The Most Prominent Symptoms and How … Read more

Cough and fever… How to know whether it is COVID XBB 1.16 infection or H3N2 infection?

H3N2 Influenza vs COVID-19: Two different viruses are spreading rapidly at this time. A few months ago we were only concerned about the variant of COVID that was causing the coronavirus. However, since the last few days a new virus has emerged and it has posed a great danger to the people. We are talking … Read more

COVID-19 New Symptom: Runny Nose, Smell Loss Are no Longer The Most Common Coronavirus Symptoms, Check The New Ones Here

New symptom of COVID-19: Runny nose, sore throat, fever, and loss of taste and smell have been considered the main symptoms of the coronavirus so far. But, it is no longer the case. Check here the new symptoms of COVID-19. New symptom of COVID-19 A runny nose and loss of smell are no longer the … Read more