Is there really a link between heart attack and vaccine? ICMR report will open the secret

Vaccine and Heart Attack : what the vaccine Corona virus It was prepared to prevent, it has increased the risk of heart attack. This question is because at present most of the discussion is going on about this thing. ICMR is also looking for answers to similar questions. These days ICMR is doing a study, … Read more

Cough and fever… How to know whether it is COVID XBB 1.16 infection or H3N2 infection?

H3N2 Influenza vs COVID-19: Two different viruses are spreading rapidly at this time. A few months ago we were only concerned about the variant of COVID that was causing the coronavirus. However, since the last few days a new virus has emerged and it has posed a great danger to the people. We are talking … Read more

H3N2 virus continues to wreak havoc, can the COVID vaccine protect you from this flu?

H3N2 Virus: Just as we were heaving a sigh of relief with the low number of COVID cases for the last few months, the emergence of infection due to H3N2 virus has triggered a new wave of anxiety in the country. Infection caused by H3N2 virus or influenza A virus causes high fever, shortness of … Read more

Corona is not giving up, 50% of the patients are still sick after a year, shocking revelation in research

Corona Virus: Corona wreaked havoc in the country. Kovid patients were seen in every house. Delta variants knocked in every house. Killed thousands of people. After the vaccination campaign of the Indian government, there has been a decrease in the cases of Kovid and now the virus has not been as effective, but the negative … Read more

Corona vaccine saved how many lakh lives in India, big claim in research

Covid-19 Update: Corona vaccines are being implemented all over the world including India. Even though it may have taken time to make the vaccine, but after that the rate of deaths has come down significantly. However, last month the WHO made an estimate, which said that there were 4.7 million Kovid-related deaths in India. The … Read more