Is Covid Back in India? Why This is Not The Time to Freak Out But Take Precautions

Home Health Is Covid Back in India? Why This is Not The Time to Freak Out But Take Precautions The rise in cases of latest Covid variant Eris in UK has raised concerns across the globe. Reportedly, Eris variant has been in India since May and now people are concerned whether India is looking at … Read more

Eyes are getting red, is the child in the grip of Kovid, know the symptoms and prevention

Covid Symptoms In Kids: Virologists believe that the new Kovid-19 variant XBB.1.16 is the main reason for the increased cases. This new sub-variant of Omicron, which has been discovered so far in different countries. This virus has infected thousands of people in India as well. Many new types of symptoms are also being seen in … Read more

Negative effect of corona in India… increased risk of these 4 diseases in people

Covid Side Effects: Corona has once again started increasing in the country. It is rapidly infecting people. Although the virus is not that dangerous, but its infectious rate is very high. In the year 2021, the wave of Corona was seen in India. Thousands of people lost their lives after getting infected with this virus. … Read more

What are the symptoms of XBB.1.16 variant… due to which Corona again caught pace

XBB.1.16 Variant: once again in india Corona virus is gaining momentum. In many states including Kerala, Delhi, Maharashtra, the cases of Kovid-19 infection are increasing rapidly. Now the question arises that why the cases of corona are increasing so fast. In fact, the biggest reason for the increase in cases is being attributed to a … Read more

Be careful! 87 thousand children are victims of long covid in this country, these symptoms are visible

Corona Virus Symptoms: Corona wreaked havoc in the country. Lakhs of people came under the grip of the virus. Thousands of people died. Once again the fear of Corona has started troubling. The new variant of Corona XBB.1.16 is fast catching people due to its potential. The immune system of youth and old people is … Read more

114 percent jump in deaths from Kovid in India, now WHO has issued this alert

Corona Cases In India: Corona may not have been that serious, but the danger has not averted yet. Scientists and doctors say that Corona virus continuously mutating. Its new new variants are in the air. Which variant becomes dangerous. Can’t be said. Right now the XBB.1.16 variant is spreading rapidly in the country. The symptom … Read more

Corona is again giving tension in the country, is there really a need for the fourth dose?

Covid Symptoms: Once again the tension of Corona has started increasing in the country. In the last 10 days, there is an increase in the cases of corona. Up to 2000 cases have started coming up in a day. The Omicron XBB.1.16 sub-variant is believed to be a major reason for the spread of corona … Read more

7 million deaths in the world due to Kovid, now will it be normal flu or will it create chaos? What did WHO say…

Corona Virus Symptoms: In the year 2020-21, Corona created a lot of furore in the country. Lakhs of people got infected by the virus. Thousands of people lost their lives. Covid is still present in the air. It is constantly mutating. The question still remains in the minds of scientists, doctors and even common people … Read more