Cold weather is increasing in Delhi-NCR, protect hair and skin with Ayurveda.

Cold weather is increasing in Delhi-NCR, protect hair and skin with Ayurveda.

The weather department has issued a yellow alert in Delhi NCR. Which means the cold will also increase in Delhi-NCR. Information is provided about snowfall on mountain peaks and warning of a cold wave in northern India. In winter, people go to hill stations to enjoy vacations and cold weather. If you also think so, … Read more

डैंड्रफ से आप भी हैं परेशान तो घर बैठे करें ये आसान उपाय… सिर्फ 10 दिनों में दिखेगा असर

डैंड्रफ से आप भी हैं परेशान तो घर बैठे करें ये आसान उपाय… सिर्फ 10 दिनों में दिखेगा असर

<p>बालों से इंसान की सुंदरता और बढ़ जाती है. वहीं महिला हो या पुरुष हर कोई बालों के झड़ने और डैंड्रफ से परेशान रहता है. इससे बचने के लिए लोग ट्रीटमेंट लेते हैं और ना जानें कितनी दवाइयों का सेवन भी करते हैं फिर भी उन्हें असर नहीं होता. वहीं हर वक्त दवाइयों का सेवन … Read more

Quick Fixes For Your Hair: Home Remedies Suggest by Shahnaz Husain!

Quick Fixes For Your Hair: Home Remedies Suggest by Shahnaz Husain!

Home Lifestyle Quick Fixes For Your Hair: Home Remedies Suggested By Shahnaz Husain! Beauty expert Shahnaz Husain explains how to fix your damaged hair in a few quick steps with things around your home. Quick Hair Fixes Home Remedies Suggested by Shahnaz Husain! (Photo edited by Gaurav Ohri for Shahnaz Husain Hair Care Tips: … Read more

Dandruff happens in winter season, know here its damage

Dandruff happens in winter season, know here its damage

Dandruff: The weather is changing, winters are about to come, in such a situation it is a simple thing to have dandruff due to air pollution due to changing weather and environment. Most of the people nowadays have the problem of dandruff. Dandruff is more common in winter than in summer. If you want to … Read more

Hair Care: Mix this oil with alum to eliminate dandruff, the skin will also become shiny

Hair Care: Mix this oil with alum to eliminate dandruff, the skin will also become shiny

Alum And Coconut Oil: If till now you have cleaned the water only with alum or have seen men using alum after shaving, then let us tell you that apart from this, alum is also used. Yes, if you rely on home remedies for skin care, then alum is very useful for you. Applying alum … Read more

Dandruff is not only in the hair but also in the eyebrows, get rid of it like this

Dandruff is not only in the hair but also in the eyebrows, get rid of it like this

Reasons For Dandruff In Eyebrow: Do you think dandruff only damages the hair and scalp? So, this information needs to be corrected a bit. Dandruff occurs not only in the scalp but also in the eyebrows. The reason for this can be many beauty products or there can be a problem with the skin itself. … Read more

You can get a break from dandruff in summer, follow these home remedies

You can get a break from dandruff in summer, follow these home remedies

Remedies To Treat Dandruff: Dandruff has become a common problem. Whether it is the summer season or winter, it has to be faced in every season, due to which the weakening or loss of hair becomes a serious problem, but do not let this problem take the form of a disease before treating it. You … Read more