Dengue Fever: Do Aedes Mosquito Bite at Night? Here’s The TRUTH

Home Health Dengue Fever: Do Aedes Mosquito Bite at Night? Here’s The TRUTH Dengue Fever”: Mosquitoes that transmit diseases like dengue and chikungunya are more likely to bite during the day, but they can also do so at night and infect a human. Dengue Fever: Do Aedes Mosquito Bite at Night? Here’s The TRUTH Dengue … Read more

Dengue Fever: Know The 3 Crucial Stages of Mosquito-Borne Disease

Home Health Dengue Fever: Know The 3 Crucial Stages of Mosquito-Borne Disease Dengue symptoms appear 4 to 7 days after the bite of Aedes species mosquito. The feverish phase, critical phase, and convalescent phase are the three stages of dengue, in the same order. Dengue Fever: Know The 3 Crucial Stages of Mosquito-Borne Disease Dengue … Read more

Dengue Treatment For Children: 5 Home Remedies to Treat This Mosquito-Borne Disease

Home Health Dengue Treatment For Children: 5 Home Remedies to Treat This Mosquito-Borne Disease Most dengue patients don’t exhibit any symptoms. However, it can also result in a feverish sickness, and in rare instances, dengue can cause serious disease, the need for hospitalization, or even death. Dengue Treatment For Children: 5 Home Remedies to Treat … Read more

क्या कोरोना की तरह छींकने और हाथ मिलाने से भी फैलता है डेंगू, जानिए क्या कहते हैं एक्सपर्ट

Dengue : डेंगू खतरनाक बीमारी है, जो गंभीर हो सकती है. जब एडीज मच्छर डेंगू के मरीज को काटता है तब डेंगू का वायरस मच्छर के शरीर में आ जाता है. अगर वही मच्छर किसी दूसरे इंसान को काट ले तो दूसरा भी डेंगू की चपेट में आ सकता है. देशभर में इस वक्त डेंगू का … Read more

Dengue Cases Rise in India: Can Consuming Goat Milk Increase Platelet Count? Here’s The TRUTH

Home Health Dengue Cases Rise in India: Can Consuming Goat Milk Increase Platelet Count? Here’s The TRUTH Dengue cases are increasing nationwide as a result of the recent heavy rains. Patients with dengue believe that consuming goat milk can help boost platelet counts and fight the fever. Dengue Cases Rise in India: Can Consuming Goat … Read more

How to Prevent Risk of Mosquito Borne Disease For School-Going Kids? 5 Tip to Follow

Home Health Dengue Outbreak: How to Prevent Risk of Mosquito Borne Disease For School-Going Kids? 5 Tip to Follow Dengue Outbreak: School-going children and other persons with weakened immune systems frequently contract the dengue virus. Therefore, all you need to do is adhere to these easy instructions: Dengue Outbreak: How to Prevent Risk of Mosquito … Read more

Dengue Cases in India: 5 Ways to Improve Platelet Count Naturally

Dengue or break-bone fever is one of the leading causes of viral cases all across the world. The infection is caused by the dengue virus (DENV), transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. According to the World Health Organisation About half of the world’s population is now at risk of dengue with an … Read more

Why platelets decrease in dengue patients, know the best way to increase it

Dengue Platelets : There are conditions of rain and floods in most of the states of India. The situation in the capital Delhi is most worrying. During this, the number of dengue patients has also increased rapidly in the last 15 days. In this season, not only dengue, the risk of diseases caused by mosquitoes … Read more