These skin problems can be a sign of diabetes, ignoring them can be dangerous.

These skin problems can be a sign of diabetes, ignoring them can be dangerous.

Do you know that many skin diseases can also cause diabetes. This may sound strange, but health experts warn against it. In fact, problems like itchy and red skin are quite common, but sometimes ignoring them or taking them lightly can prove costly. According to the doctor, the risk of skin diseases is also higher … Read more

These skin problems can be a sign of diabetes, ignoring them can be dangerous.

These skin problems can be a sign of diabetes, ignoring them can be dangerous.

Do you know that many skin diseases can also cause diabetes. This may sound strange, but health experts warn against it. In fact, problems like itchy and red skin are quite common, but sometimes ignoring them or taking them lightly can prove costly. According to the doctor, in chronic diseases like diabetes, the risk of … Read more

हल्के में न लें ये स्किन प्रॉब्लम्स, बढ़ा सकती हैं डायबिटीज का खतरा, जानें बचने का तरीका

हल्के में न लें ये स्किन प्रॉब्लम्स, बढ़ा सकती हैं डायबिटीज का खतरा, जानें बचने का तरीका

Diabetes And Skin Problems : क्या आप जानते हैं कि त्वचा की कई बीमारियां भी डायबिटीज का कारण बन सकती हैं. सुनकर भले ही अटपटा सा लगे लेकिन हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स इसे लेकर आगाह करते हैं. दरअसल, त्वचा में खुजली और लालिमा जैसी समस्याएं काफी आम हैं लेकिन कई बार इन्हें अनदेखा करना, हल्के में लेना भारी … Read more