Is eating honey beneficial for diabetic patients? Know what is better for you in sweets

Is eating honey beneficial for diabetic patients?  Know what is better for you in sweets

Honey in Diabetes: The reason for the longevity of honey is that there is almost zero moisture in pure honey due to which bacteria cannot grow and survive in it. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why honey does not spoil for a long time. It was also revealed in the research that if … Read more

How to stop diabetes from being ‘dangerous’? Know these 7 smart ways, sugar will remain under control

How to stop diabetes from being ‘dangerous’?  Know these 7 smart ways, sugar will remain under control

How To Prevent Diabetes: The number of diabetes patients is increasing year by year. Statistics from the World Health Organization show that from the year 1980 to 2014, there has been a 300 percent increase in the number of people suffering from diabetes. While in some years this increase has seen a more rapid increase. … Read more

The symptoms of diabetes are not the same in men and women, know what is the problem with women?

The symptoms of diabetes are not the same in men and women, know what is the problem with women?

Diabetes Symptoms In Woman: Diabetes, hypertension are lifestyle diseases. If the lifestyle is not correct, then this disease easily takes home. Diabetes can happen to women, men, children, elderly people. There is a need to be very careful for this. Doctors say that to prevent any disease, it is most important to identify its symptoms. … Read more

These symptoms are visible as soon as you wake up in the morning… have you become a victim of diabetes?

These symptoms are visible as soon as you wake up in the morning… have you become a victim of diabetes?

Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes, hypertension is a lifestyle disease. The worrying thing is that these symptoms are not known earlier. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension are known as silent killers. Doctors say that like every disease, diabetes also shows some symptoms. Although they look very normal in appearance. But it is necessary to identify these symptoms on … Read more

Have diabetes… eat anything, but don’t eat sweets, why do doctors say this?

Have diabetes… eat anything, but don’t eat sweets, why do doctors say this?

Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. Hypertension is also considered to be more or less such a disease. If the lifestyle is right then these diseases can be controlled to a great extent. Diabetes specialist Dr. Hitesh Kaushik told that only eating sweets does not cause diabetes. But if you are on the … Read more

Have Diabetes? The doctor has forbidden to eat sugar, then eat jaggery or take honey for sweets?

Have Diabetes?  The doctor has forbidden to eat sugar, then eat jaggery or take honey for sweets?

Diabetes Treatment: Sugar is a disease related to lifestyle. If there is a bad lifestyle, then diabetes is a very fast merge. Along with this, people also get to see diseases like hypertension, obesity. The biggest problem in having diabetes is to eat sweets. The doctor clearly tells the patient not to eat sweets in … Read more

Can ayurveda cure diabetes completely? You will be glad to know this answer

Can ayurveda cure diabetes completely?  You will be glad to know this answer

Diabetes Treatment In Ayurveda: Diabetes means the disease of sugar is considered incurable. However, the Vaidyas who treat the patients through Ayurvedic system of medicine do not completely agree with this fact. Because according to Ayurveda, the disease of diabetes can be completely controlled and cured in many conditions. There are many such processes in … Read more

This plant is a cure for diabetes, leaves are used to control sugar

This plant is a cure for diabetes, leaves are used to control sugar

Diabetes Treatment: Due to today’s lifestyle and food, a diabetic patient is seen in every other household of the country. It is becoming a common disease. If you also have this problem then there is no need to worry. Today we are going to tell you about a plant whose leaves are no less than … Read more