Always eat this thing with alcohol, it will not cause much harm to the body.

The best alcoholic foods: Alcohol consumption is harmful. We are all aware of this, but many people cannot live without it and drink alcohol every day. While drinking alcohol, people also eat snacks, also called tastings. We mainly keep spicy things there. However, consuming them with alcohol is dangerous. Some snacks are such that the … Read more

लिवर ही नहीं स्किन को भी गंभीर नुकसान पहुंचती है शराब, करते हैं ड्रिंक तो पहले जान लें ये जरूरी बात

Alcohol Side Effects: शराब के दुष्प्रभावों के बारे में तो आप सभी जानते हैं, यह न सिर्फ पैसों की बर्बादी है बल्कि हमारे सेहत के लिए भी बहुत नुकसानदायक है. यह हमारे लीवर, किडनी से लेकर हार्ट के लिए भी किसी जहर से कम नहीं होती है. इतना ही नहीं अगर लंबे समय तक शराब का … Read more

If you drink alcohol in limit, then there is no much harm…. After all, how much is that limit?

Alcohol is becoming a part of social life. There are different reasons for drinking alcohol… Some are drinking alcohol to forget their sorrows and some to express happiness or to enjoy the party. Many people believe that alcohol relaxes the body and removes tension, but it is certain that alcohol is harmful to the body. … Read more