Are you also using someone else’s earphones… This habit should not become a cause of serious problem!

Are you also using someone else’s earphones… This habit should not become a cause of serious problem!

In today’s era, we all have become so addicted to earphones that if we forget our earphones somewhere, then we start using someone else’s. Doing so can prove fatal for you. Yes, using other’s earphones can make you deaf. So if you are doing something like this then be careful.  What do experts say Regarding … Read more

Earphone users must read this news, there may be 4 serious diseases

Earphone users must read this news, there may be 4 serious diseases

Nowadays, be it auto or bus, metro or road, you will see people wearing earphones or headphones everywhere. From watching movies to listening to your favorite songs, earphones have become a part of our lifestyle. Sometimes for talking on phone calls and sometimes for doing online classes, the trend of earphones is increasing rapidly. In … Read more