Excessive consumption of rock salt can cause harm to these people, especially people suffering from this disease should be careful.

Excessive consumption of rock salt can cause harm to these people, especially people suffering from this disease should be careful.

Sendha Namak Side Effects: There is no taste in life without salt. Now-a-days due to increasing health awareness, people have started using low sodium rock salt (Sendha Namak). It is also called Himalayan salt or pink salt or rock salt. If seen, rock salt is such a mineral which contains sodium in very less quantity … Read more

Add rock salt not only in fasting food, but also in daily food, you will get these 5 benefits

Add rock salt not only in fasting food, but also in daily food, you will get these 5 benefits

Rock Salt Health Benefits: Rock salt is also known as Lahori salt. By the way, it is used in the things that are eaten during fasting. However, nowadays people have started using rock salt in their daily food as well. Most people do not know how many health benefits can be gained by eating rock … Read more