Cough during pregnancy also harms the baby, women should avoid it in 5 tips

Cough symptoms: Pregnancy is a natural process. During this, the body of women is very sensitive. The child growing in the womb should not have any kind of problem. This is also taken special care of. Cough is a common problem in winter. Now winter is almost over. But cough is still troubling people in … Read more

Dry Cough: Dry cough has become bad, trying these home remedies will give instant relief

Dry Cough Symptoms: Recently there are many people who are reporting cases of viral infection, in which cough is the main problem with high fever which subsides in more than a week. However the cough is something that is not going away and is turning into a chronic cough which goes away after 4-6 weeks. … Read more

Are you worried about dry cough? Make natural cough syrup at home, easy way

Natural Cough Syrup : Almost everyone has a cough with mucus at some point in their life. But do you know how to get dry cough? From acid reflux to allergies, many things can cause a dry cough. At the same time, in some cases, there is no clear reason for dry cough. If you … Read more