What will happen if you get cut by something made of iron or steel and don’t get tetanus injection?

What will happen if you get cut by something made of iron or steel and don’t get tetanus injection?

Tetanus: After getting hurt by any type of metal, especially iron, it is considered necessary to get a tetanus shot. There is a question in the mind of many people that is it necessary to get tetanus injection even for a minor injury caused by iron? Today we will tell you in this news that … Read more

Tetanus disease is very dangerous, know its causes, symptoms and prevention

Tetanus disease is very dangerous, know its causes, symptoms and prevention

Tetanus Causes: Tetanus is a serious bacterial disease of the nervous system, in which there is a contraction or contraction of muscles. This stiffness occurs especially in the muscles of your jaw and neck. Tetanus is commonly known as lockjaw. Severe conditions of tetanus can be life-threatening. There is no cure for it, but due … Read more