By eating these 5 foods in breakfast, the fat will melt in no time, you will look slim and fit.

By eating these 5 foods in breakfast, the fat will melt in no time, you will look slim and fit.

Breakfast To Lose Weight: Nowadays people are becoming obese due to wrong eating and bad lifestyle. Some people neither exercise nor follow the right routine. Just frequent overeating, and when the weight increases, they skip breakfast and sweat for hours in the gym. But do you know that skipping breakfast Weight does not decrease, but … Read more

If thinness has troubled you, then include these things in your diet…

If thinness has troubled you, then include these things in your diet…

Weight Gain Diet: Just as obesity is a problem, in the same way thinness also becomes a problem. People who have become weak due to a healthy diet not only face embarrassment, but also such people also fall ill again and again. Many times people use different types of protein powder and go to the … Read more

Do not eat these things at all in summer, tremendous reaction can be seen in the body

Do not eat these things at all in summer, tremendous reaction can be seen in the body

Must Avoid These Things In Summer: The summer season has started. If special care is taken of health in this season, then many types of physical problems may have to be faced. Most of all one should take care of eating and drinking in this season. If you do not eat food carefully in this … Read more

To moisturize the hair, apply these five things instead of oil. Dryness will go away.

To moisturize the hair, apply these five things instead of oil. Dryness will go away.

Hair Care Tips: The way we need good food and drink to stay healthy, similarly hair also needs nutrition. Applying oil is very important for the strength of the hair, otherwise dryness occurs first and then the problem of hair fall starts. But some people do not like to apply oil to their hair. Many … Read more

Dear ladies… Pamper frizzy hair with these home remedies, it will become silky and soft

Dear ladies… Pamper frizzy hair with these home remedies, it will become silky and soft

Frizzy Hair Care Tips: With the changing season, there are many problems in the hair too. In the summer season, hair becomes frizzy due to sun and sweat. And in such a situation, the entanglement and breakage of hair also increases a lot, it looks very bad in appearance, in such a situation, we are … Read more

Not only exercise for weight loss, try these egg recipes too!

Not only exercise for weight loss, try these egg recipes too!

Egg Recipes For Weight Loss: Eggs are great for losing weight, especially if you eat them for breakfast. Eggs are rich in protein and low in calories, but the calorie level also depends on how they are cooked. For example, a large hard boiled egg contains 77-78 calories. Plus, if you omit the yolk, the … Read more

Boiled egg is beneficial not only for health but also for skin and hair.

Boiled egg is beneficial not only for health but also for skin and hair.

Boiled egg is beneficial not only for health but also for skin and hair. Source link