If the environment is bad, the body becomes hollow, so many diseases surround it

World Environment Day 2022: Today Environment Day is being celebrated all over the world. Like other festivals, this is also a day, when efforts and needs to maintain nature and environment are discussed, awareness is raised among the people. But the effort to keep the environment right should be more than all other efforts and … Read more

Make your home environment healthy with these small changes

Healthy Home: Now the lockdown is over across the country, many changes and rush has started in our lifestyle. In the meantime, there are some such things, which you will always remember and keep in mind, then you can avoid corona or other deadly virus. Yes, while coming home from office, it is possible that … Read more

Greening the city to prevent mental illness

Trees, grass, and vegetation reduce the risk of mental health problems. It is a lesson urban planners must learn. Children who grow up surrounded by trees, grass and green spaces have a lower risk of developing mental illness later in life, according to Danish researchers. Their findings, which involved almost a million Danes, were more … Read more

Eco Friendly Tips: Give a new look to your home with these eco friendly products, think for the environment too

Eco Friendly Tips: Every little thing that we use is related to our environment in some way or the other. Therefore, whatever you use, think once about how it will affect your environment. Replacing plastic with eco-friendly stuff will prove beneficial for the environment and for you in many ways. If you bring small changes … Read more