Why people in their 40s should get regular eye check up?

Why people in their 40s should get regular eye check up?

Home Health Why should people in their 40s have regular eye checks? Eye health checkups are extremely important, more than people realize. From diabetes to aging, there can be several risk factors that affect vision. Regular health checks help detect any eye health problems in time (Freepik) How many of us make eye health management … Read more

Eye Health: THIS One Mistake Can Severely Impact Your Eyesight

Eye Health: THIS One Mistake Can Severely Impact Your Eyesight

Home Health Eye Health: THIS One Mistake Can Severely Impact Your Eyesight Sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll on overall health, however, this one practices that several of us are guilty of can severely damage the eyesight. Here is how to protect your vision. Eye Health: THIS One Mistake Can Severely Impact Your Eyesight (Freepik) … Read more

What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight?

What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight?

Home Health What is Computer Vision Syndrome, Digital Eye Strain That May Lead to Blurred Eyesight? All You Need to Know Computer Vision Syndrome is basically resultant of digital eye strain that affects the eye health of everyone. Long hours of screentime can lead to headache, blurry vision and more. Here is how you can … Read more

Conjunctivitis: 5 Tips to Quickly Recover From Eye Flu

Conjunctivitis: 5 Tips to Quickly Recover From Eye Flu

Home Health Conjunctivitis: How to Take Care of Your Eyes During Eye Flu? 5 Tips to Follow If you’re suffering from conjunctivitis or eye flu, you must avoid wearing eye makeup. Warm compresses, soothing eye drops, and a healthy diet with high dosages of vitamins and minerals are essential to restore your eye health. Conjunctivitis: … Read more

Not only diabetes, these reasons can also take away the eyesight, be careful, otherwise you may have to repent

Not only diabetes, these reasons can also take away the eyesight, be careful, otherwise you may have to repent

Eye Care : Today glasses are coming on the eyes at an early age. Bad lifestyle is believed to be the biggest reason for this. Mostly due to diabetes or high blood pressure, the eyesight starts decreasing but there can be many other reasons for the weakening of vision (Vision Loss Reason). In such a … Read more

Eye Health: What to Eat For Good Eyesight? Expert Reveals

Eye Health: What to Eat For Good Eyesight? Expert Reveals

Home Lifestyle Eye health: what to eat for good eyesight? expert reveals Healthy Eyes: A balanced and nutritious diet is essential to maintaining the health of your eyes and may reduce your chance of acquiring eye disorders. Eye health: what to eat for good eyesight? expert reveals eye health: Diet is very important when it … Read more

Eye Health: Berries May Help Improve Vision – 3 Ways To Include Berries In Your Diet

Eye Health: Berries May Help Improve Vision – 3 Ways To Include Berries In Your Diet

Poor eyesight is a common problem these days. We tend to blame the increased use of mobile phones, computers and other electronic devices. We agree that these factors play an important role in eye health, but we cannot ignore the role that our dietary regimen plays. Malnutrition can also lead to various eye-related problems. Just … Read more