Can fatty liver disease cause cancer? Know what is the real cure for this problem

Can fatty liver disease cause cancer? Know what is the real cure for this problem

Due to fatty liver disease, the risk of stomach cancer and other cancers also increases significantly. Fatty liver disease has become a common problem today. And this can lead to the risk of liver cancer. According to NAFLD, excessive alcohol consumption causes swelling and scarring of the liver. Due to which the risk of liver … Read more

Do you know what to eat for a healthy liver? – GoMedia

Do you know what to eat for a healthy liver? – GoMedia

Nowadays, everyone wants to know what to eat to have a healthy liver because a healthy liver is very important for a healthy body. Nowadays, being healthy means that every part of your body is functioning properly because it is very important that all the organs are functioning properly and only then the person can … Read more

Fatty Liver: Turmeric Tea to Beetroot Juice, 6 Drinks to Add in Your Morning Routine

Fatty Liver: Turmeric Tea to Beetroot Juice, 6 Drinks to Add in Your Morning Routine

Home Health Fatty Liver: Turmeric Tea and Beet Juice: 6 Drinks to Incorporate into Your Morning Routine Fatty liver cases are increasing day by day. Trying these fatty drinks can help improve non-alcoholic fatty liver problems. Fatty liver cases are on the rise and cause serious health problems if not controlled in time. What is … Read more

One in three Indians is suffering from this dangerous disease, do it immediately or else…

One in three Indians is suffering from this dangerous disease, do it immediately or else…

Foie gras in India: Fatty liver disease is a very dangerous disease. Many dangerous diseases can occur due to it. This disease is spreading rapidly in India. One in three Indians suffers from fatty liver disease. Recently, Union Minister of State Dr. Jitendra Singh said this in a conference. Experts say that nonalcoholic fatty liver … Read more

These symptoms appear when fatty liver appears, it starts spoiling health secretly…control it like that.

These symptoms appear when fatty liver appears, it starts spoiling health secretly…control it like that.

These symptoms appear when fatty liver appears, it starts spoiling health secretly…control it like that. Source link

जानलेवा हो सकता है फैटी लिवर ! सिरोसिस को दे सकता है जन्म, जानें कैसे बचें

जानलेवा हो सकता है फैटी लिवर ! सिरोसिस को दे सकता है जन्म, जानें कैसे बचें

Fatty Liver Disease: फैटी लिवर गलत खानपान और कम फिजिकल एक्टिविटी की वजह से होने वाली एक खतरनाक बीमारी है. अगर इसका समय पर इलाज न कराया जाए तो सिरोसिस (Liver Cirrhosis) का खतरा रहता है, जो जानलेवा भी हो सकता है. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक, जब खाने में सैचुरेटेड और ट्रांस फैट की ज्यादा मात्रा … Read more

शराब नहीं पीते तो भी ना करें ऐसी लापरवाही, हो सकती है फैटी लिवर की बीमारी

शराब नहीं पीते तो भी ना करें ऐसी लापरवाही, हो सकती है फैटी लिवर की बीमारी

Fatty Liver: फैटी लिवर एक ऐसी बीमारी है, जो देश में तेजी से बढ़ रही है. हर साल इसके मरीजों की संख्या में इजाफा हो रहा है. शहरी इलाकों में ये समस्या गंभीर होती जा रही है. वहां कम उम्र में भी लोग इसका शिकार बन रहे हैं. कुछ मामलों में इस बीमारी से लिवर … Read more

What is Fatty Liver Disease And How to Reverse it?

What is Fatty Liver Disease And How to Reverse it?

Home Health What is Fatty Liver Disease And How to Reverse it? Inflammation may result from an overabundance of fat in the liver, which might complicate matters. You might be able to reverse the disease by making certain dietary and activity adjustments. What is Fatty Liver Disease And How to Reverse it? Fatty Liver Diet: … Read more