Why is the problem of fatty liver disease increasing in children? If you mix this thing with milk, be careful.

Fatty liver in children: Sugar is not called white poison for nothing, but it is very harmful to every human being. Sugar can be harmful not only to diabetic patients, but also to common people and children. Especially in children, the problem of fatty liver disease, also called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is increasing rapidly. … Read more

Fatty Liver Rise in India: 5 Early Signs and Symptoms in Children One Should Not Ignore

Home Health Fatty Liver Rise in India: 5 Early Signs and Symptoms in Children One Should Not Ignore Fatty liver is not just rising in India but increasingly becoming concerning as more population of children is being diagnosed with it as well. Fatty Liver Rise in India: 5 Early Signs and Symptoms in Children One … Read more

Fatty Liver in Children: 6 Early Signs and Symptoms of Liver Problems and How to Prevent it

Home Lifestyle Fatty Liver in Children: 6 Early Signs and Symptoms of Liver Problems and How to Prevent Them Fatty liver has become a growing concern, especially in obese children. If left unchecked, it can lead to inflammation and scarring. What is the fatty liver? The name pretty much says it all. It is a … Read more