Why do some women fail to become mothers? It could be 8 reasons – GoMedii | Symptoms, Reasons and Causes of Infertility in Some Women in Hindi

Becoming a mother is one of life’s greatest joys. Nature gave this power only to women so that they could develop a part of themselves and their love in the womb, give birth to them and continue the family tradition. But some women do not achieve this happiness throughout their lives and fail to become … Read more

Female Infertility: 1 Serious Cause That Can Affect Women’s Fertility at The Age of 30

Because awareness is critical to safeguarding your reproductive health, this is one of the leading causes of infertility that you may never have heard of. Female infertility: 1 serious cause that can affect a woman’s fertility at age 30 (source: freepik) Many of the causes of infertility, including PCOS, aging, inadequate egg stores, cancer, among … Read more

What are fibroids and what are their causes, how are they treated? – GoMedii

Let us tell you that fibroids are also known as uterine tumors. Apart from this, it is also known as myomas and leiomyomas. This is a tumor occurring in the uterus. Although it is not cancer or any life-threatening disease, but it can cause many complications in the body and can have a bad effect … Read more

How are uterine fibroids treated and know its cost? – GoMedii

Most of the gynecological problems are such that there are no symptoms and they are detected only when the problem reaches its peak. Uterine fibroids are one such problem. Many women in whom uterine fibroids develop suffer silently, as the symptoms overlap with those of menstrual problems or PMS. They usually ignore it until the … Read more