Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds: Which is a More Healthy? Here’s What We Know

Home Health Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds: Which is a More Healthy? Here’s What We Know Chia Seeds and Flaxseeds offer great source of nutrition values. Lets find out which one is better by weighing down its health benefits. Chia Seeds vs. Flaxseeds: Which is Healthier? We often get confused between chia seeds and flax seeds. … Read more

These 5 foods can prove to be good friends of the heart, eating them reduces the risk of heart diseases.

Food For Heart Health: The result of poor diet and poor lifestyle is that these days the risk of heart related diseases is increasing a lot. From the elderly to the young, they are becoming victims of heart attack, stroke and hypertension. In such a situation, to get rid of heart-related diseases, you can follow … Read more

If you eat these 5 things soaked in water, then these diseases will not happen…try it once

Benefits Of Soaking Food Items:  You must have seen the elders of your house that they eat many food items after soaking. But have you ever tried to know that after soaking What happens if you eat anything? Actually, there are some such things like almonds, raisins, gram, which are soaked and eaten, their nutrients … Read more

Eat linseed paratha to lose weight, note the recipe

Alsi Paratha Recipe: The race to lose weight has increased rapidly nowadays. See who is trying to reduce obesity by adopting different diet plans. In such a situation, by eating Paratha made of Alsi Seeds, you can not only lose weight but also get acquainted with a new taste. Yes, linseed seeds i.e. chia seeds … Read more

This green chutney will give a break to cholesterol … consume it in this way

Cholesterol Cutting Chutney: Increasing cholesterol is one of the most serious problems in today’s era. The elderly and the young are also suffering from this, there is a risk of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Nowadays people are more inclined towards unhealthy food and processed food, like eating things made of sugar, flour, cold … Read more

How can flaxseed reduce weight? Know its benefits and method of consumption

Flaxseeds to Reduce Weight: How Flaxseeds Can Reduce Weight? Know its benefits and method of consumption. Source link