Don’t be fooled by the extraordinary health claims on these foods

Don’t be fooled by the extraordinary health claims on these foods

When chef Gordon Ramsay launched a new gin last year, in partnership with Scottish producer Eden Mill, a Facebook ad for the brand made it sound pretty wholesome. It included the claim that the gin retained the micronutrients of the honey berries, “which have more antioxidants than blueberries, more potassium than bananas, more vitamin C … Read more

The great vegan diet ‘con’

The great vegan diet ‘con’

But meat, the kind of high-welfare meat that Buxton would like us all to eat, is expensive. “That’s because our food system is biased. If I were designing policies to make it affordable to eat right, I would tax the most processed stuff and empty carbs and junk and subsidize regeneratively farmed eggs and meat, … Read more

Did you grow up in the 80s or 90s? How to ditch your messed-up mindset when it comes to food

Did you grow up in the 80s or 90s? How to ditch your messed-up mindset when it comes to food

If you came of age in the 1980s and 1990s, you will no doubt remember the crazy diet culture of that era. The Beverly Hills Diet, first published in 1981, advocated eating only grapes on Tuesdays, while the Cabbage Soup Diet, well, you can probably guess. Meanwhile, we were also encouraged to over-exercise and incredibly … Read more