How dangerous can chopped onion stored late be, know why it should be avoided

How dangerous can chopped onion stored late be, know why it should be avoided

How dangerous can chopped onion stored late be, know why it should be avoided Source link

Are there more bacteria on a cutting board than on a toilet seat? Know the whole truth

Are there more bacteria on a cutting board than on a toilet seat? Know the whole truth

Domestic Hygiene: No matter how clean and hygienic the home kitchen appears, it is actually not the case. A study from Istanbul Gelism University indicates that 9% of illnesses are caused by bacteria growing only in the kitchen. Nowadays, there is a lot of discussion on the Internet that the most used cutting board in … Read more

Don’t make these mistakes when you get food poisoning, or your health could deteriorate further.

Don’t make these mistakes when you get food poisoning, or your health could deteriorate further.

As the rainy season approaches, the risk of diseases increases, especially food poisoning. Due to the moisture and dirt caused by the rain, food spoils quickly, leading to the growth of bacteria and viruses. It is very important to keep some important things in mind to avoid food poisoning in this season. If you make … Read more

Is food spoiling quickly in monsoon? Know the easiest solution to this problem

Is food spoiling quickly in monsoon?  Know the easiest solution to this problem

Food Safety Tips : Monsoon has knocked. The rainy season is very pleasant. There has been relief from the heat to a great extent, but this season is also no less challenging. The biggest problem in this season is to save the food from getting spoiled. It becomes very difficult to store food items for … Read more