What is embryo freezing process, what is the process

What is Embryo Freezing: For the past several days, the word embryo freezing has become a topic of discussion. Recently, an American couple has become parents of twins with the help of Embryo Freezing, which everyone is surprised to hear. According to reports, this embryo was frozen during April in 1992. After which 30 years … Read more

What is the difference between Clinical Egg Freezing and Social Egg Freezing?

Egg Freezing Facts: Today’s era is the age of science. In this era, with the help of modern technology, it has become very easy to diagnose any problem. whether the problem is with fertility Why not be connected? One of those techniques is called egg freezing. There are many Bollywood celebrities who have got their … Read more

The scalp starts freezing and itching, these home remedies will give relief

Scalp Psoriasis Treatment At Home: Itching in the head and scab-like accumulation in the head can be troublesome at times. Many times people start thinking of it as dandruff, but when this problem increases more then it starts becoming painful. Dandruff from hair also starts falling on clothes. Due to itching, there are marks of … Read more