There may be trouble in breathing due to the frozen mucus in the chest, do it out in these ways

Health News: To improve physical ability, it is also important to have a healthy chest. But if phlegm or mucus accumulates in the chest, it can affect your bodily functions. The problem of accumulation of phlegm in the chest is often more in the winter season. Apart from this, phlegm can also accumulate in the … Read more

Do you consume frozen peas a lot? Know its disadvantages first

Frozen Peas Frozen peas are used when people do not have the option of fresh peas. Many people use frozen peas, especially in the summer and rainy season. Be it making matar paneer or matar ke paratha, frozen peas are used in all types of pea dishes in this season. But do you know that … Read more

Do not consume frozen food, it can be heavy on health

Frozen Foods: Do not consume frozen food, it can be heavy on health. Source link