Beet root is full of nutrition, know its benefits

Health Benefits of Beetroot: As soon as the winter season starts, our food habits start changing. We start consuming more green vegetables. These vegetables keep us safe from diseases. One of these vegetables is beetroot. This vegetable with red tuber is a storehouse of nutrients. in this Nutrients like magnesium, folate, potassium, vitamin B6, carbs, … Read more

Beet root is full of nutrition, know its benefits

Health Benefits of Beetroot: As soon as the winter season starts, our food habits start changing. We start consuming more green vegetables. These vegetables keep us safe from diseases. One of these vegetables is beetroot. This vegetable with red tuber is a storehouse of nutrients. in this Nutrients like magnesium, folate, potassium, vitamin B6, carbs, … Read more

There are so many tests in full body checkup

We all want that we and our family should be healthy and stay away from diseases. For this, as important as food and lifestyle is, equally important is regular body checkup. Yes, the way a person takes care of his food and drink, similarly we should keep checking our body from time to time. It … Read more

Who can give kidney to whom? Do you know its full rule

Lalu Yadav Health: RJD leader Lalu Yadav has been battling kidney disease for a long time. Now the news is coming that Lalu Yadav’s daughter Rohini Acharya who lives in Singapore. She will donate kidney to her father. As soon as this news comes out, his daughter is being praised on social media. This has … Read more

Why are these myths told to the mother after delivery, know the reason behind it and the full truth

Myths & Facts : It is said that one of the most beautiful moments of every woman’s life is her becoming a mother. From the beginning of pregnancy till the time after giving birth to the child, the woman has to face many physical, mental problems as well. But for the health of themselves and … Read more

No common cold, runny nose is a symptom of corona virus! Read full details here

Corona Virus: The corona virus may not have been that effective, but this virus is constantly taking people in its grip. Experts say that the mutation of corona continues continuously. Along with the mutation, the nature and symptoms of the virus are changing. Another similar symptom has emerged. If this symptom is visible in anyone, … Read more

Take full care of health this Diwali, do body detox with these ayurvedic tips

Ayurvedic Tips To Detox Body: No matter how much one takes care of his diet and exercise, but during the festival season, carelessness happens. This is the time when sweets to fried food cannot be avoided after a limit. However, whatever the season, health comes first. So Diwali Enjoy the delicacies in this season, but … Read more

Black pepper is full of medicinal properties: Amazing benefits of using just one grain every day

Black Pepper Benefits: Many spices present in your kitchen are full of medicinal properties, which benefit health. One of these is black pepper. It is very powerful, which has been used to cure diseases since ancient times. Black pepper is used to enhance the taste of food. Along with enhancing the taste of food, black … Read more