Is this the first symptom of blood cancer? Thousands of people make ignorant with drugs

Is this the first symptom of blood cancer? Thousands of people make ignorant with drugs

Blood cancer is a kind of cancer that considerably affects your blood cells. Leukemia, lymphoma and myelome are one of the most common types of blood cancer. There are types called MPN and MDS. DNA begins to change inside blood cells. For this reason, he begins to react differently. UNITED KINGDOM. Each year, around 40,000 … Read more

Anurag Basu suffered from a serious illness like blood cancer, knows its symptoms and treatment.

Anurag Basu suffered from a serious illness like blood cancer, knows its symptoms and treatment.

Anurag Basu is a famous producer. He was diagnosed with a serious illness like blood cancer in 2004. Anurag says he came to know about his serious illness when his wife was pregnant for the second time. The doctor said he only had 2 weeks to live.Basu was diagnosed with blood cancer while his wife … Read more