Drink licorice-ginger tea daily, these diseases will not even touch you in the rain

Mulethi Adrak Tea: There is a danger of weakening immunity in the rain. Because of this, infection in the stomach, skin and throat also increases. There is a problem of frequent cough and sneeze in the rainy season. The pain in the throat also remains constant. It will be fine only when the immunity is … Read more

Not one or two of the lungs… ‘Ginger-liquorice tea’ can remove many problems, know the method of preparation

Ginger Mulethi Tea Benefits: Many such herbs and spices are present in the Indian kitchen, the use of which can cure many health-related problems. Not only this, they also help in nourishing us from within. There are some common ingredients in every kitchen, which include ginger and licorice. You will find both these things in … Read more