H3N2 influenza virus can spoil your kidney health

H3N2 Influenza: The cases of H3N2 influenza are continuously increasing in the country. After Kovid, now people are coming in the grip of this virus. It is usually a seasonal disease but can cause serious harm to those with weak immunity. The virus can also harm other parts of the body. Doctors say that H3N2 … Read more

How dangerous is H3N2 flu for your children, do not ignore these signs

H3N2 Influenza virus: H3N2 influenza virus is continuously taking people in its grip. But most doctors are reporting a worrying rise in H3N2 cases among children, especially those under the age of 5, many of these infants and preschoolers are in ICUs in Delhi and Pune, and even medication has no effect. not happening. The … Read more

H3N2 Virus has killed 7 people so far, is this virus as deadly as COVID-19? learn here

H3N2 Virus India Cases: H3N2 is one of the seasonal influenza viruses that infect humans, especially at this time of year, and we are seeing a slight increase in the number of detected cases. Unlike Kovid-19, this type of virus is definitely not life threatening. However, it is important to keep in mind that any … Read more

H3N2 virus continues to wreak havoc, can the COVID vaccine protect you from this flu?

H3N2 Virus: Just as we were heaving a sigh of relief with the low number of COVID cases for the last few months, the emergence of infection due to H3N2 virus has triggered a new wave of anxiety in the country. Infection caused by H3N2 virus or influenza A virus causes high fever, shortness of … Read more

H3N2 became dangerous in the country… Know whether pollution is responsible for making the virus ‘deadly’?

H3N2 Virus Symptoms: Two people died in Karnataka and Haryana after being hit by Influenza A, H3N2 virus. Its spread is happening very fast in the country. Due to its rapid spread from air to air, it has become a matter of concern for scientists and doctors. Doctors say that usually the viral is not … Read more

Know how dangerous this virus is in 8 simple questions, when should be alert

H3N2 Virus: The ever-increasing influenza virus H3N2 in the country has raised concerns. The cases of cold-cough, cold and fever are increasing. Now it is also becoming fatal. According to health experts, flu cases increase with the change in weather, but this time more patients are coming forward. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) … Read more

What is the need of oxygen after being hit by H3N2 virus?

H3N2 Influenza Virus : These days H3N2 virus is wreaking havoc in India. There is a long queue of patients in the hospital. It is being advised to be careful with this seasonal influenza. In view of this seasonal virus, instructions have been given by the Central Government to all the states to prepare. NITI … Read more

Different symptoms in children, elderly and pregnant women… Identify them immediately and get them treated.

H3N2 Virus Symptoms: These days the virus is wreaking havoc in the country. There have been reports of people losing their lives after getting infected with the virus. Influenza virus like H3N2 knocks every year in the changing season. But this time the variant is being said to be more dangerous. The symptoms of this … Read more