तेजी से झड़ रहे हैं बाल? कहीं आप भी तो नहीं हैं गंभीर रूप से बीमार, समझें क्या है शरीर का इशारा

Hair Loss Problem: आजकल खराब लाइफस्टाइल की वजह से बालों का झड़ना काफी सामान्य हो गया है. कम उम्र में ही कई लोगों के बाल झड़ जाते हैं. हेल्थ एक्सपर्ट्स के अनुसार, उम्र बढ़ने के साथ बालों की मोटाई और मात्रा कम होने लगती है. बालों के झड़ने का कारण उम्र बढ़ना, जेनेटिक और हार्मोन्स … Read more

बालों में देसी घी लगाने के 5 जबरदस्त फायदे जानें

बालों में देसी घी लगाने के 5 जबरदस्त फायदे जानें Source link

Rapid Hair Loss? 5 Causes For Hair Damage and How to Prevent it

Home Lifestyle Rapid Hair Loss? 5 Causes For Hair Damage and How to Prevent it Hair damage can be really stressful. But why people are increasingly reporting of hair loss? Read more to know causes and preventions of hair damage. Hair care hardly tops the priority list but hair damage can be really unbearable. While … Read more

Monsoon Hair Care: 5 Foods to Keep Hair Fall Woes at Bay This Rainy Season

Home Health Monsoon Hair Care: 5 foods to keep hair loss problems at bay this rainy season Monsoon Hair Care: Monsoon hair loss is a common problem, but there are ways to reduce the stress of hair loss when it rains. How to prevent hair loss during monsoon (Freepik) Monsoon Hair Care: Hair care woes … Read more

The effect of iron deficiency is not only on health but also on beauty… know how?

Iron Deficiency Affect Beauty: It is said that proper skin care is necessary to maintain the beauty of the face. Apart from this, it is also necessary to choose the right skin product. But this thing is not completely correct… To bring beauty on the face, it is necessary to be fit from inside. If … Read more

Zinc is very important for the body…Deficiency can cause serious problems

Why Zinc Is Important For Health: It is very important to have nutrients in our body for good health, just as iron and calcium are necessary for the body to run smoothly, in the same way the presence of zinc also matters. Zinc is considered an essential mineral for our health, its deficiency can give … Read more

These 10 things present in the kitchen can stop hair fall quickly, you just have to use it like this

Hair Fall Home Remedy: Hair loss is such a problem that everyone faces at some point in time. These days many people are struggling with this problem. They also use branded to branded products to stop hair fall, but the condition remains the same. Instead of using expensive products to prevent hair fall, you should … Read more