फिर से आ गया उस प्लेग का मरीज, जिससे पहले मर चुके हैं 5 करोड़ से ज्यादा लोग

<p class="whitespace-pre-wrap" style="text-align: left;">बीते कुछ समय से हम पलेग नामक भयानक बीमारी से राहत पाते देख रहे थे. लेकिन हाल ही में एक बार फिर पलेग का मरीज सामने आया है. इतिहास गवाह है कि पिछले कुछ सदियों में पलेग नामक इस खतरनाक बीमारी ने दुनियाभर में 5 करोड़ से अधिक लोगों की जान ले … Read more

सरकार ने क्यों इस पेनकिलर को माना काफी खतरनाक? जान लीजिए इसे खाने के क्या हैं नुकसान

<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Painkiller Safety Alert:</strong> इंडियन फार्माकोपिया कमीशन (IPC) ने मेफ्टाल पेनकिलर को लेकर एक अलर्ट जारी किया है. कमीशन ने जारी एलर्ट में कहा कि मेफ्टाल दवा में जो मेफेनैमिक एसिड का इस्तेमाल होता है उसके गंभीर साइडइफेक्ट होते हैं. यह दवा &nbsp;इसिनोफीलिया और सिस्टमेटिक सिम्पटम्स सिंड्रोम (DRESS) ड्रग रिएक्शन के कारण होता है. … Read more

Nipah Virus Outbreak in Kerala: 3 Risk Factors That Increase Severe Infection

Home Health Nipah Virus Outbreak in Kerala: 3 Risk Factors That Increase Severe Infection The brain-damaging virus, Nipah infection has surfaced again and here are 3 big risk factors behind it. Read below! Nipah Virus: 3 Risk Factors That Increase Severe Infection Cases of Nipah Virus are on the rise, especially in the Kozhikode district … Read more

The occurrence of sugar is more dangerous than increasing, do you know what could be the difficulties

Low Blood Sugar Complications: Increase in blood sugar means the risk of diabetes. So that the sugar level does not rise, people unite their lives. If needed, drastic changes are made in the diet and medicines are also taken. Have you ever thought that due to these efforts to keep sugar low or due to … Read more

Do you also sleep in AC room with dog or cat? If yes, then you will be shocked to read this news.

Health Alert : The heat is now reaching the seventh sky. The temperature is getting high. The use of AC in homes has increased. Pets also live in many homes. They also sleep in AC room with family members but is it safe to do so. Is it right for their health to keep pets … Read more

Avoid sugar if the child is less than 2 years, there should be no big loss in pampering

Children Teeth Care Tips: If you are also pampering your little child by feeding them products containing sugar, then be careful. Because sugar products (sugar side effects) can be very dangerous for a child under two years of age. Feeding more sugar to children and prematurely weaning them from mother’s milk spoils their teeth. This … Read more

Frequent sweating can be a sign of these diseases, do not ignore

Are You Sweating Exessively, Be Alert: Our body is made up of many elements. In this, many actions keep happening simultaneously. There is a similar action, sweating is usually a sign of a healthy body. Sweat comes to us after working hard on any work, but some people sweat without doing anything. Excessive sweating can … Read more