Post Kovid, these 11 diseases troubled you, then the infection is spreading, protect against these diseases

Covid Infection: The effect of the devastation caused by Corona is continuing even for two-three years. Post Kovid, people were troubled by many types of diseases ranging from breath to heart and are still facing its effects. These post-Covid diseases had not yet been completely eradicated that the wave of corona has again started taking … Read more

5 Common Health Issues That Babies Are Prone to Catch

The early years are extremely important for a child’s development. Parents need to take extra care towards the child’s health as they are more sensitive and prone to catch diseases. A child’s immune system is not developed enough to fight illness and disease-causing factors. It is a common and inevitable circumstance that a child is … Read more

Gas Problem: 5 Home Remedies For Those Who Can’t Stop Bloating or Farting

Home Remedy for Gas Problem: There are many reasons behind gas in the stomach. It is often a cause of embarrassment and often indicates indigestion or poor food choices. Considering the type of food we are exposed to in every Indian household, it is almost impossible to give up everything to curb the problem. However, … Read more