Do not ignore the problem ranging from itching in the feet to coldness, there may be symptoms of this disease

Thyroid and foot pain: The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck that plays an important role in regulating the health of the body. When the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, it can cause a variety of symptoms including weight gain, changes in energy levels. One symptom that is often overlooked … Read more

Cough coming continuously? Find out from these symptoms that you have chest infection or just cold

Common Cold Symptoms: Viral diseases catch hold quickly in the winter season. Usually a person is first infected with a cold or flu, followed by a chest infection, Chest infection is a respiratory condition that affects the lower respiratory tract and bronchial tubes. Chest infection can also be caused by virus or bacteria. During winters, … Read more

By boiling or cooking, learn how to eat vegetables beneficially

Health Tips: Good diet is needed for good health. Good diet means food rich in nutrients. Our body needs vitamins and minerals. In such a situation, these nutrients are supplied in our body by the consumption of vegetables. Whether it is to sharpen eyesight, to get glowing skin or to lose weight, the solution to … Read more