दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए आयुर्वेद के ये तरीके फॉलो करें

दिल को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए आयुर्वेद के ये तरीके फॉलो करें Source link

हेल्दी हार्ट के लिए फॉलो करें आयुर्वेद के ये नियम, 50 फीसदी खतरा हो जाएगा कम

<p>आजकल की व्यस्त लाइफस्टाइल और खराब खान-पान की आदतों के कारण हार्ट की बीमारियां तेजी से बढ़ रही हैं. फास्ट फूड, बाहर का खाना, मानसिक तनाव, कम नींद और शारीरिक श्रम की कमी जैसे कारणों से हृदय रोगों के मामले बहुत तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. जिन बीमारियों को पहले 60-70 की उम्र में देखा … Read more

Christmas 2023: 5 Mindful Drinking Tips to Keep Your Heart Safe During The Holiday Season

Home Health Christmas 2023: 5 Mindful Drinking Tips to Keep Your Heart Safe During The Holiday Season Moderation is the key, especially when indulging in alcoholic beverages during the festive season. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind to ensure a responsible and enjoyable Christmas celebration. Christmas 2023: 5 Mindful Drinking Tips to … Read more

6 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Heart is Strong and Healthy

Home Health 6 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Heart is Strong and Healthy We know when the heart is not working fine, but how do we understand when the heart is healthy? Read on to understand symptoms indicative of a healthy heart. 6 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Heart is Strong and Healthy (Freepik) A healthy heart … Read more

Heart Health: 9 Foods to Manage Cholesterol And Keep Your Cardiovascular Health in Check

Home Health Heart Health: 9 Foods to Manage Cholesterol And Keep Your Cardiovascular Health in Check You may improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart disease by eating certain foods, such as leafy greens, whole grains, and dark chocolates. Heart Health: 9 Foods to Manage Cholesterol And Keep Your Cardiovascular Health in … Read more

5 Lifestyle Tips to Keep Your Heart Health in Check

Home Lifestyle Summer Heart Health: 5 Lifestyle Tips to Keep Your Heart Health in Check Heart Health: These simple steps can help keep your heart working properly during the summer, allowing you to participate in all the enjoyable activities of the season without putting your health at risk. Summer Heart Health: 5 Lifestyle Tips to … Read more

5 Whole-Grain Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol And Keep Heart Diseases at Bay

Home Health 5 Whole Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol and Keep Heart Disease at Bay Here’s a list of five different whole foods to help you on your journey to a healthy heart. 5 Whole Foods That Help Lower Cholesterol and Keep Heart Disease at Bay Summer is here and it becomes essential to change … Read more

What does fennel do after going into the stomach, due to which it is advised to eat it after meals.

Be it any kind of party or must have gone to eat in a restaurant. After eating food, you are given fennel in a plate. Often people go out carrying fennel. But have you ever wondered why fennel is given after meals. Today, through this article, we will tell you why after eating food, fennel … Read more