डिहाईड्रेशन की वजह से बच्चों की स्किन हो गई है ड्राई, तो अपनाएं ये घरेलू टिप्स

Child Care Tips: घर के छोटे बच्चों को अक्सर ड्राई स्किन (Dry Skin in Children) की दिक्कत होने लगती है. डॉक्टरों के मुताबिक, डिहाइड्रेट होने पर अक्सर ऐसा हो जाता है. बच्चों में ड्राई स्किन की समस्या को किसी गंभीर बीमारी के तौर पर नहीं माना जाता है. कई बार घरों में दादी-नानी के नुस्खे … Read more

4 things work as medicine in tea, acidity and pain go away in a pinch

Herbal Tea Benefits : Many types of diseases and infections increase during the rainy season. Stomach related problems increase rapidly. It is common to have problems of gas, acidity and pain in the stomach. Dieticians keep giving their tips from time to time regarding this. Herbal tea is very beneficial (Herbal Tea Benefits). If you … Read more

Know what is nephrotic syndrome, its symptoms

Nephrotic Syndrome: Nephrotic syndrome is not a disease but a group of many symptoms. This is a kidney problem. This problem occurs due to the inability of the kidney to function properly. Although nephrotic syndrome can happen at any age, but this problem is seen more in children. In this problem, excessive amount of protein … Read more

Eating strong salt is dangerous, control it today itself, otherwise there may be serious problems

Access Salt: Where is the taste of food without salt? It not only enhances the taste of food, it is also considered very beneficial for health. It is rich in sodium. But, eating too much salt can also be dangerous for health. This can lead to many diseases. It is not less than any poison … Read more

Is baby’s skin getting dry? Know its cause and treatment

Child Care Tips: Young children of the house often have the problem of Dry Skin in Children. According to doctors, this often happens when you are dehydrated. The problem of dry skin in children is not considered as a serious disease. Many times dry skin gets cured only by trying grandmother’s remedies at home. Today … Read more

Beware of the loud sound of the DJ! ‘Sudden heart attack’ can make a victim

Heart Attack Advice: There has been a sudden increase in the number of heart patients in the last few years. For a few months, many cases of ‘Sudden Heart Attack’ ie Sudden Heart Attack have also been recorded in people. According to doctors of heart diseases, the increasing number of cases of sudden heart attack, … Read more

Breaking your heart can also be dangerous, know everything related to it

Broken Heart Syndrome : Usually people will be aware of heart attack as a heart disease, but broken heart syndrome is a disease that can prove to be fatal. Today we are going to tell you everything related to the symptoms, prevention, and remedy of this syndrome. What is Broken Heart Syndrome Broken Heart Syndrome … Read more