हॉलीडे में भूल ना जाएं सेहत का ख्याल, भारी पड़ सकती है मौज-मस्ती

Holiday Heart Syndrome: वर्क प्रेशर के बीच हॉलीडे पर जाना सबसे खूबसूरत लम्हा होता है. खासतौर पर जब छुट्टियां लंबी हो तो चैन ही आ जाता है. सेहत को बढ़िया तरह मेंटेन करने का वक्त भी मिल जाता है. इस समय नींद सही तरह पूरी होती है और दिल-दिमाग ही नहीं पूरी बॉडी काफी रिलैक्स … Read more

What is ‘Holiday Heart Syndrome’, which is making people its victim during holidays

Holiday Heart Syndrome: Holiday heart syndrome atrial is such a disease, which occurs due to poor eating habits during the holidays. This disease is related to the heart. Actually, during this time the number of heart patients often increases. This happens because during the holidays, people start eating unhealthy things and keep away from the … Read more

What is Holiday Heart Syndrome, all you need to know about it

Holiday Heart Syndrome: Holiday heart syndrome is a heart disease that occurs when you are on holiday. This problem can prove dangerous for you. If you are thinking that why only on holidays, then actually when we are on holidays, then at that time we forget all the things related to health. Like eating healthy, … Read more